Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today is my husband's birthday. As I poured him his second cup of coffee from the pot he made while I was still in bed (he always gets up before me), I thought, as I do so often, about the grace upon grace God has poured out on me. I handed him the mug as he sat on the front porch of our 210 year old clapboard house - the kind I always wanted to live in. He was sitting on the porch reading his Bible; several cats loitered nearby. I can't help but remember walking through a neighborhood of old homes during our courting days, choosing which ones we'd like to own and singing, "Our house is a very, very very fine house. With two cats in the yard. Life used to be so hard. Now everything is easy cause of you." And here we are, 22 years later, in a very, very, very fine house. And a very, very, very fine life.

Is everything easy? Not by a long shot. Is my marriage everything I thought marriage would be? Not hardly! But it is still very, very, very fine. And this morning I am very, very grateful.

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