Monday, January 28, 2013

My youngest daughters are finally learning to play pretend.  When they first came home from Ethiopia they did not know how to play.  They knew several games like jacks and tag, but they did not know what to do with blocks, dolls, playdough or dress-up clothes.  Nearly two years later they are figuring it out.  Their favorite make believe scenario is school, since that is what they know best.  Perhaps they will graduate to being princesses or astronauts before R is too old for such games, but for now they take turns being teacher and pupil.

Yesterday L was the teacher.  She got her classroom ready and then called R to come to class.  Apparently something was amiss about the teacher's appearance since I heard this interchange from the next room:

R:  What, are you getting pragnant??

L: (hesitates) Well, someday I will.

R: No! It's a question!  Answer yes or no!

L: (cornered) Well, yes.

And then class began.

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