Thursday, January 08, 2009

Conversation with Ivy, when she was six

Iy just turned 8 and would probably be embarrassed if she knew I was posting this. She probably knows the answers to these questions by now, but I just came across these quotes I jotted down when she was much younger, and thought they were worth pondering.

Are you trying to trust God or are you trusting God?

Are cows black with white spots or white with black spots?

If numbers go on forever, does someone have to be making up names for them all the time? Who does that? Is there a company that does that?

How do mermaids go to the bathroom?


A short conversation on another occasion:

Me: Ivy, you have such a pretty face. Where did you get it?

Ivy: From God.

Me: Why did He give you such a pretty face?

Ivy: Maybe it was a reward.

Me: A reward for what?

Ivy: For drawing so well. I think that was good reward, don't you?


Last week we were visiting a new church and she wanted help picking out her clothes. She rejected anything with pink in it. I asked her why she was so adamant about NOT wearing pink, and she said, "I don't want people to think I am something that I am not."

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