I have many friends who "grew up Catholic", and several who still consider themselves devout. While I grew up thinking of the Pope as the first cousin to the antichrist, I have, happily, changed my opinion about Catholics and the Catholic Church. I have come to appreciate many of the emphases and traditions of the Catholic Church, and to admire the wisdom of many of her teachings, though I still feel more in tune with Martin Luther than the Holy Father. Some of my best friends are Catholic! (You know who you are. . . ) So, I mean no disrespect by my musings about the titles that I, as a mother, might choose for myself, were I ever to have any devotees who wished to follow in my footsteps.
Our Lady of Perpetual Anxiety - This is the big one, I'm afraid! (I love the word "perpetual" - love the sound, the way you have to pucker your lips to say it. I may write a whole entry on "perpetual" and its synonyms. ) I believe in the medical world this is referred to as "chronic," but perpetual sounds much nicer.
Our Lady of Melancholy - I was born to this title, I'm afraid. I am the woman Dickens had in mind when he wrote, "she indulged in melancholy - that cheapest and most accessible of luxuries."
Our Lady of The Kitchen Sink - The site at which I most often appear to people.
Our Lady of Constant Interruptions - Not that I interrupt others, but lots of short people are always interrupting me.
Our Lady of the Unfinished Thought - A result of the constant interruptions, I expect.
Our Lady of Infrequent Exercise - I'm hoping to lose this title someday soon.
Our Lady of The Coffee Mug - hot, cold, tepid, lukewarm, with cream, half and half, evaporated milk, whole milk, 2%, 1% but never skim.
Our Lady of the Unending Laundry - world without end, amen.
Our Lady of Unreliable Household Appliances - I can sympathize with anyone whose dryer, stove, washer, vacuum, etc. ever cause them problems. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it.
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